Jパワー:豪州で水素の製造開始:Hydrogen Energy Supply Chain(動画):
J Power:Production of next-gen hydrogen in Aus: Energy Supply Chain:
J Power:在澳大利亚开始生产下一代氢气:氢气能源供应链
- 豪州ビクトリア州ヘイスティングス港で、
- 水素の液化と、液化水素運搬船に積載し、
- 神戸空港島の液化水素受入基地まで海上輸送する。
Hydrogen production started at coal gasification and hydrogen refining facility
Electric Power Development (as J-POWER)
1 Feb 2021
Electric Power Development Co., Ltd.
announced today commencement of hydrogen production from the coal gasification and hydrogen refining facility in the Japan-Australia Hydrogen Energy Supply Chain (HESC) project.
The Latrobe Valley (Victoria, Australia) coal is low-grade featuring low carbonisation and high moisture and impurities content.
Despite its huge deposit, it is not suitable for transportation mainly due to its high moisture content.
Most of the coal remains unused except for limited purposes like consumption at power plants adjacent to mining areas.
This project
aims to develop and demonstrate technologies for the production, storage and transportation of clean hydrogen from Latrobe Valley coal, and to establish a supply-chain of hydrogen through to the use in Japan.
It is subsidised by the New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization and the Commonwealth and Victorian governments,
and is conducted by CO2-free Hydrogen Energy Supply-chain Technology Research Association and the Australian consortium consisting of
Kawasaki Heavy Industries,
AGL Energy Ltd.
Carbon offsets have been purchased for the CO2 in the pilot phase
and in the future, the by-product CO2 will be captured and stored underground in cooperation with, CarbonNet, the CO2 storage project being promoted the Commonwealth and Victorian governments.
J-Power is in charge of the coal gasification and hydrogen refining facility.
The demonstration plant
had been under construction since November 2019 in Latrobe Valley, Victoria, Australia, and began producing hydrogen on 23 January 2021.
The hydrogen
will be liquefied and loaded onto a liquified hydrogen carrier ship at port of Hastings in Victoria, Australia, and will be transported seaborne to the hydrogen discharging terminal on Kobe Airport Island.
will contribute to the establishment of a hydrogen energy supply-chain through this demonstration project and will continue to actively work towards the realisation of a decarbonised society.