FCPA・SFO:Barclays幹部詐欺で起訴:Qatar Holding LLC(動画):  Former Barclays executives acquitted of conspiracy to commit fraud:  巴克莱前高管因串谋诈骗被宣告无罪

FCPA・SFO:Barclays幹部詐欺で起訴:Qatar Holding LLC(動画): 
Former Barclays executives acquitted of conspiracy to commit fraud: 

Roger Jenkins/Richard Boath/Thomas Kalaris


2008年6月Qatar Holding LLCと、10月Challenger Universal Ltdと、3人元Barclays幹部が、契約に合意した件です。


A spokesperson said:

Charges against Barclays Plc and Barclays Bank Plc in relation to the 2008 capital raisings were dismissed by the Crown Court in May 2018.

The High Court rejected the SFO’s application to re-instate them in October later that year and also refused permission to appeal to the Supreme Court.

John Varley, former CEO of Barclays, was also charged in relation to these activities. The case against him was dismissed in April 2019.

Chris Lucas, the Chief Finance Officer of Barclays at the time of this conduct, was named as a co-conspirator on the indictment against these individuals.

But for ill-health, he would have been charged and tried.

Serious Fraud Office
