WBスタジオツアー:ハリー・ポッター としまえん:オープン決定(動画):
WB Studio Tour Tokyo-Making of Harry Potter、Toshimaen Open:
WB Studio Tour东京-哈利·波特与岛前公开赛
2023 年前半オープンに向け、関係者間で本契約締結
Harry Potter Facility to Replace Toshimaen Tokyo,
Aug. 18 (Jiji Press)
The Japanese unit of U.S. entertainment giant Warner Bros.
said Tuesday it has reached an agreement to establish a facility featuring the Harry Potter movie series at the site of the Toshimaen amusement park, which will be closed at the end of this month.
The agreement
was signed with Seibu Railway Co., which owns Toshimaen, in Tokyo’s Nerima Ward, major trading house Itochu Corp. <8001> and Fuyo General Lease Co. <8424>.