

日本企業は幹細胞で血液凝固に必要な成分の大量生産に着手。血小板細胞は、外科患者で出血を最小限にするために、患者に投与されている。現在、輸血を介して、年間80万人日本で約700億円($ 630百万円)市場、米国では血小板細胞の輸血以上の3倍である。


Japan firms to mass-produce blood-clotting treatment from stem cells. 

 TOKYO — Sixteen Japanese companies will spearhead an effort to develop a way to mass-produce from stem cells a blood component necessary for clotting, aiming to get the green light for its use in 2020. Platelet cells are administered to surgical patients and accident victims to minimize bleeding. They are currently acquired via donations. Around 800,000 people a year in Japan receive transfusions of platelet cells, making the market worth about 70 billion yen ($630 million). In the U.S., it is more than three times as large. Nikkei Asian Review

日本公司大量生产干细胞的血液凝固治疗。东京 – 十六家日本公司将带头努力开发一种从干细胞大量生产凝血所需的血液成分的方法,旨在在2020年获得使用绿色光。血小板细胞给予手术患者和事故受害者以尽量减少出血。他们目前是通过捐款收购的。日本每年约有80万人接受血小板输注,市值约700亿日圆(合6.3亿美元)。在美国,
