In December 2016 DAPA released CGI imagery showing the conceptual design of the RoKN’s future FFX-III-class frigates. Source: Via DAPA
韓国:海軍向けフリゲート艦発注:FFX-III-class guided-missile frigate(動画):
South Korea’s Defense Acquisition Program Administration (DAPA):
- 名称と規模は、まだ明らかにされていません。
- 設計と建造コストは、4500億ウォン(3億7760万米ドル)とのこと。
- FFX-IIIプロジェクトは、 2024年に完成します。
In December 2016 the DAPA
announced that it had awarded South Korean shipbuilder Hyundai Heavy Industries (HHI) a KRW16.6 billion contract to carry out preliminary design and development work on the 3,000-tonne frigate class, which is expected to feature improved anti-submarine warfare and air-defence capabilities.
The agency
said at the time that the FFX-III vessels, which will incorporate stealthy elements in their design, will feature an advanced multi-functional phased-array radar offering 360° of coverage that can simultaneously track and detect multiple potential threats.
Jane’s 360
RoKN FFX Batch III design and construction contract expected for early 2020 – Naval News