現代ロテム:多目的無人地上車両(MUGV)デビュー:大韓民国軍(動画):  Hyundai Rotem readies MUGV for delivery South Korean defence:  现代Rotem准备交付多用途无人地面运载工具韩国国防和工程总理

Hyundai Rotem readies MUGV for delivery South Korean defence: 



Hyundai Rotem announced on 24 November that

it had won a contract from the Defense Acquisition Program Administration (DAPA) to supply two MUGVs within six months under an accelerated acquisition scheme that aims to introduce new capabilities to the military.

The company will also provide the associated support for the two vehicles.

MUGVs are two-tonne multirole platforms

that can be fitted with a range of mission equipment depending on the user’s requirements.

The type can be used to perform combat reconnaissance in heavily contested battlefield environments to improve the firepower and survivability of troops.

The vehicle can also be used for supporting roles such as ammunition and expendable resupply, and casualty evacuation.
