シャープ:Vizioに対し特許侵害訴訟を提起:LCDパネル特許:  Japan’s Sharp files patent infringement lawsuit against U.S. TV brand Vizio:  日本夏普公司针对美国电视品牌Vizio提起专利侵权诉讼

Japan’s Sharp files patent infringement lawsuit against U.S. TV brand Vizio: 






  1. Xianyang CaiHong Optoelectronics Technology Co(CHOT):中国のパネルメーカー
  2. TPV Technology Ltd.:香港の受託製造業者





Sharp sues Vizio over display tech in 70-inch TVs

Sharp claims Vizio and two other companies infringed 12 patents.

Sharp, the Japanese electronics company behind the world’s largest 8K LCD TV,

is suing Vizio and two other companies over alleged patent infringement.

Sharp claims that the companies infringed 12 patents related to panel technologies, like liquid crystal displays (LCD). In particular,

Sharp says one of Vizio’s 70-inch TVs is an offender. Sharp is seeking an injunction, as well as compensation for lost profits and the use of its technology.

Sharp filed the lawsuit in a US District Court in California yesterday,

but says it tried to settle the issue through negotiations with one of the other companies named, Xianyang CaiHong Optoelectronics Technology Co (CHOT).

Sharp holds over 10,000 display patents in China, Japan and the US,

and the company says those patents cover most core display technologies.



Sharp Files Patent Infringement Lawsuit Regarding Liquid Crystal Panels against CHOT,et al., in the United States

On March 10, 2020 (U.S. time),

Sharp Corporation (hereinafter “Sharp”)

filed a patent infringement lawsuit

against Xianyang CaiHong Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd (Head Office: Xianyang, Shaanxi,

People’s Republic of China (“China”)) (“CHOT”) which is manufacturing and selling liquid crystal panels,

TPV Technology Limited (Head Office: Hong Kong) including its subsidiaries,

and Vizio, Inc. (Head Office: Irvine, California, United States)

in the United States District Court for the Central District of California.

Sharp alleges that these entities have infringed twelve patents related to Liquid Crystal Display (“LCD”), including Polymer-Sustained Alignment (“PSA”) and High Definition Display Technologies.

Press Releases | Sharp Global
