オーストラリア:ピンクマンタの美しい写真撮影:Lady Elliot Island/Kristian Laine(動画):  Photographer Captures Beautiful Photos of the World’s Only Known Pink Manta Ray:  摄影师拍摄了世界上唯一的粉红蝠ta的美丽照片

オーストラリア:ピンクマンタの美しい写真撮影:Lady Elliot Island/Kristian Laine(動画): 
Photographer Captures Beautiful Photos of the World’s Only Known Pink Manta Ray: 



This elusive creature:

—he’s only been seen seven times since he was first spotted in 2015 by a dive instructor—

shows up in the waters around Lady Elliot Island in the Great Barrier Reef for a couple of months every year.

That’s the only place he’s been spotted, and it’s where Laine was freediving when he lucked into a sighting that has produced the best pictures of the pink manta yet.

I had no idea there were pink mantas in the world, so I was confused and thought my strobes were broken or doing something weird,” Laine recently told National Geographic.

“I feel humbled and extremely lucky.”
