Osaka University: 4 successful cases of iPS cell corneal transplantation:

Osaka University: 4 successful cases of iPS cell corneal transplantation:

-Improved eyesight from 0.04 to 0.3-

-Aiming for practical use in 3 years-

Practical use of corneal transplantation:

We are one step closer to the practical application of corneal transplantation using iPS cells. 

Osaka University
Professor Koji Nishida

Research team:

For four men and women in their thirties and seventies who have almost lost their eyesight due to a disease of the cornea of ​​the eye

An iPS cell sheet-like cornea was transplanted.

Investigate the progress of one year:

As a result, the number of patients with corrected visual acuity of 0.04 improved to 0.3.

The first three:
My eyesight recovered to the extent that it did not interfere with my daily life. 

The remaining one:
It means that the cornea is no longer turbid. 

The wall of conventional corneal transplantation:

Rejection has been an issue in conventional corneal transplants.

All four had no rejection or infection with infectious diseases. 

Practical use in 3 years:

The research team will conduct clinical trials with companies next year as well.

We would like to aim for practical use in three years at the earliest.

Universität Osaka: 4 erfolgreiche Fälle von iPS-Zell-Hornhauttransplantation:

-Verbesserte Sehkraft von 0,04 auf 0,3-

-Anstrebungen für den praktischen Einsatz in 3 Jahren-

Praktische Anwendung der Hornhauttransplantation:

Wir sind der praktischen Anwendung der Hornhauttransplantation mit iPS-Zellen einen Schritt näher gekommen. 

Professor Koji Nishida


Für vier Männer und Frauen in den Dreißigern und Siebzigern, die aufgrund einer Erkrankung der Hornhaut des Auges fast ihr Augenlicht verloren haben

Eine iPS-Zellblatt-ähnliche Hornhaut wurde transplantiert.

Untersuchen Sie den Fortschritt eines Jahres:

Dadurch verbesserte sich die Zahl der Patienten mit einer korrigierten Sehschärfe von 0,04 auf 0,3.

Die ersten drei:
Mein Sehvermögen erholte sich soweit, dass es mein tägliches Leben nicht mehr beeinträchtigte. 

Der Rest:
Das bedeutet, dass die Hornhaut nicht mehr getrübt ist. 

Die Wand der konventionellen Hornhauttransplantation:

Abstoßung war ein Problem bei herkömmlichen Hornhauttransplantationen.

Alle vier hatten keine Abstoßung oder Infektion mit Infektionskrankheiten. 

Praxiseinsatz in 3 Jahren:

Das Forschungsteam wird auch im nächsten Jahr klinische Studien mit Unternehmen durchführen.

Den Praxiseinsatz möchte ich frühestens in drei Jahren anstreben.

Team: iPS-derived cornea transplant proved safe, effective

News Monday, April 4,

A team of researchers in Japan says
it has confirmed that

transplants of corneal tissue derived from induced pluripotent stem cells, or iPS cells, are safe and effective.

The team led by Osaka University Professor Nishida Koji announced its findings on Monday.

iPS cells
are created by reprogramming ordinary human cells and have the ability to develop into any type of cell.

Researchers transplanted
iPS-deriv sheet-like corneal tissues into four patients who were between the age of 30 years and up to 79 years old.

Their eyesight had significantly deteriorated due to a disease of the cornea.

The team says
none of the recipients had rejection or developed severe side effects one year after their transplants.

Three of them
recovered eyesight to levels good enough to lead their daily lives without difficulties.

The fourth recipient’s cornea
became transparent, but the results of vision tests varied.

Researchers say
this method carries a lower risk of rejection than cornea from donors,

and they are more transparent than cornea cell sheets made from mucus membrane from the mouth.

Professor Nishida hailed the findings as significant, and said

the team wants to put its method into practical use soon so patients around the world can benefit.

The team aims to start a clinical trial next year at the earliest as a step toward obtaining government approval as a treatment.