JAXA: What are the seven feats of “Hayabusa2”: Spacecraft guidance technology

JAXA: What are the seven feats of “Hayabusa2”: Spacecraft guidance technology

Achieved 7 feats:

The first seven missions of humankind in “Hayabusa2” are as follows.

-Drop of multiple exploration robots onto small bodies (Ryugu this time)

・ Exploration of the surface of small celestial bodies using a small exploration robot

・ Achieves celestial landing accuracy of 60 cm

・ Creation of artificial craters and their process, detailed observation

・ One spacecraft lands at two points on the same celestial body

・ Access to underground resources outside the Earth’s sphere

・ Achieves the smallest / multiple small celestial orbiting artificial satellites

Both are important technologies that will change future astronomical exploration.

Hayabusa2 guidance technology:

Using the Hayabusa2 guidance technology, it would be possible to hit an artificial satellite against an asteroid heading toward Earth and repel it into an orbit that deviates from Earth.

The safe return of “Hayabusa2” will mark an important footprint in the history of space technology.

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