JAXA: “Hayabusa2” capsule: 1 cm stone underground material |

JAXA: “Hayabusa2” capsule: 1 cm stone underground material |

Asteroid explorer “Hayabusa2”:

It turned out that there was a stone of about 1 cm in the capsule.

It may be a substance inside the asteroid “Ryugu”.


We held a press conference online.

It was revealed that there was a black stone of about 1 cm in the “substance collected on the second landing on Ryugu”.

Possibility of underground material:

From the capsule, “” sand that seems to be on the surface of Ryugu collected at the first landing “has already been confirmed.

At the second landing, a metal block was driven into Ryugu and an attempt was made to collect underground material from the hole.

“The stones brought back may be Ryugu’s underground material.”

TV Asahi news-TV Asahi news site
