Intel: TSMC 3nm process MPU manufacturing consignment: N3 VS N5

Intel: TSMC 3nm process MPU manufacturing consignment: N3 VS N5


The plan is to start mass production using the 3nm process (N3) in the latter half of 2022.

Nikkei Asia reports that “the first chip includes Intel as well as Apple.”

TSMC’s 3nm process:

In the latter half of 2021, “We plan to start production of TSMC’s 3nm process at Tainan Fab.”

The production plan is proceeding smoothly.

Apple: Will it be adopted in the iPhone 2022 version?

However, “Apple iPhone 2022 model, N3 supply is not in time”.

The iPhone 2022 model is expected to use the 4nm process (N4).

Apple’s first N3 adoption is likely to be the latest iPad model.

Intel: Adopted for PC / server

Intel is said to be in talks with TSMC to outsource the manufacture of CPUs for PCs and servers.

Intel aims to be the first customer of TSMC’s 3nm process.

“N3” VS “N5”:

“N3” is compared to “N5”

If the power consumption and the number of transistors are the same. Performance is improved by 10% to 15%.
Power consumption reduction of up to 30% for the same operating frequency.
Up to 70% increase in logic density and up to 20% increase in SRAM density are expected.

Intel process miniaturization problem:

Intel at the end of June

Scheduled to be manufactured by our own 10nm process,
Mass production of next-generation Xeon Sapphire Rapids,
It was postponed from 2021 to the first quarter of 2022.

It seems that the manufacturing problems caused by process miniaturization have not yet been solved.

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