Hitachi Rail: Joining Consortium in Italy

日立が伊ミラノ地下鉄向け車両を受注、最大534億円の包括契約 | ロイター

Hitachi Rail: Joining Consortium in Italy

ーDigital signalization plan for high-speed railroadsー

– A step forward in digitization between Milan and Venice –

We will deliver a summary from Hitachi’s disclosure information.

日立、イタリアでコンソーシアムのメンバーとして約2,800億円の高速鉄道路線向けデジタル信号化契約に参画 | Hitachi Rail - Japanese

Hitachi Rail’s railway business:

A high-speed train connecting Verona and Padua in Italy.

August 1, 2023

Hitachi will participate as a member of the IRICAV DUE consortium.

The consortium has signed an agreement with Rete Ferroviaria Italiana (RFI).

日立がイタリア北中部向けデジタル信号システムを約1,260億円で受注 | Hitachi Rail - Japanese


A consortium consisting of Hitachi Rail and Wibuild Group.

Design and install tracks and digital signaling systems.

Installation of tracks and a digital signaling system for the Vicenza line.

The total contract value of the consortium is EUR 1.8 billion (JPY 280 billion)

パドヴァ、ヴェネト、イタリアの旅行ガイド | HiSoUR 芸術 文化 美術 歴史


It is a short section with a distance of 6.2km.

This time, we will digitize the train management between Verona and Padua.

Train control system (ERTMS):

For this project, Hitachi Rail will deliver a common European ERTMS Level 2.


State-of-the-art railway digital control system:

ERTMS is the world’s most advanced railway digital control system.

Using radio signals between trains and ground equipment.

If the train senses danger or exceeds the speed limit,

Automatically activates the emergency brake.

地図, イタリア, vicenza. ピン, 地図, 旅行, -, 終わり, イタリア, vicenza, 赤, の上, 概念. | CanStock

Verona – Bivio Vicenza

Already in August 2020, the consortium received an order worth 2.4 billion euros (370 billion yen).

Currently underway as Phase 1 construction.


Digitization between Milan and Venice

When the new section with a total length of 76.4km opens, the connection between the two cities will be completely digitalized.

Milan and Venice are connected by a high-speed train line.