SPring-8: Analysis of the structure and charge of biomolecules by synchrotron radiation of cryo-electron microscope

SPring-8: Analysis of the structure and charge of biomolecules by synchrotron radiation of cryo-electron microscope

RIKEN (RIKEN) RIKEN Bioinformatics Research Group of Synchrotron Radiation Science Research Center uses synchrotron radiation from the cryo-electron microscope and the large synchrotron radiation facility SPring-8 to study the atomic structure of biomolecules such as proteins and their complexes We determined the ion scattering factor.

In the future, if we can precisely analyze the three-dimensional structure and charge distribution of biomolecules such as proteins using ion scattering factors, it will lead us to elucidate the mechanism of action of biomolecules more deeply, It is expected to be applied to new therapies, drug development, engineering and others.

This research will be published in the online scientific journal IUCrJ (April 27 issue) of the International Crystal Society.

RIKEN – Translated by TokioX
