South Korea: The number of patents for hydrogen technology is 1/5 that of China

South Korea: The number of patents for hydrogen technology is 1/5 that of China

-Depends on the US, Japan, etc. for core parts and materials-

Korea Hydrogen Economy Roadmap:

The 2019 Hydrogen Economy Roadmap was announced.

By 2022
Spread 65,000 FCVs and spread
Operates 310 hydrogen stations.

Achievement status in November this year:

FCV is only 27% of the target (17,000 units).
Hydrogen stations are only 38% (117 locations) of the target.

The hydrogen price per kilogram is not much different from when the roadmap was announced.

It is in the 8400 won range.

Korea National Federation of Businessmen :

On December 12, the report “Current Status of Hydrogen Economy and Ecosystem and Policy Direction” was released.

Depends on US / Japanese manufacturers:

Most of the core parts and materials of the hydrogen industry depend on the United States and Japan.

FCV core material:

Carbon fiber is Toray (Japan),

Platinum catalyst is Kyocera (Japan),

Membrane Membrane is DuPont (US), Gore, 3M

Japan and the United States supply most of it to South Korea.

Number of patents for hydrogen technology:

Six countries led by the hydrogen market (China, the United States, the European Union, Japan, South Korea, Germany)

Number of patents for hydrogen production and fuel cells:

In the cumulative total of 2014-2020, South Korea is the 5th largest in the world.

In effect, six countries dominate the hydrogen market.

South Korea means lower in the competition.

Joongang Ilbo |