COVID-19: Test kit made in China, 60,000 defective products: a Chinese company called Bioeasy

COVID-19: Test kit made in China, 60,000 defective products: a Chinese company called Bioeasy

[Paris Kyodo]

COVID-19: China-made inspection kit

When the Spanish government purchased a new corona infection / quick test kit from China, 60,000 were found to be defective. ,

Spanish government announcement:

By the 27th, 58,000 items had to be returned, according to government announcements and local media.

The Chinese embassy in Spain has pointed out on Twitter that the company has not received official approval to sell its products.

Spanish Ministry of Health:

The Spanish Ministry of Health has stated that “the product was obtained through a local vendor and the product was marked to meet European Union (EU) standards.”

EL PAÍS paper:

According to the EL PAÍS paper, this test kit is not good enough to detect defective and positive cases.

Yahoo! News

Los test rápidos de coronavirus comprados en China no funcionan bien

Los muy anunciados test rápidos de coronavirus con los que el Gobierno quería empezar a hacer la prueba a capas más amplias de la población para saber cuál es la dimensión real del contagio en España no funcionan bien.

Así lo han comprobado varios laboratorios de microbiología de grandes hospitales en los análisis que han hecho de los kits llegados recientemente de China.

Los resultados de esos ensayos preliminares son descorazonadores: “No detectan los casos positivos como era de esperar”, señala una fuente que ha participado en las pruebas y que pide anonimato.

Sociedad | EL PAÍS

Coronavirus: Spain says rapid tests from China work 30% of the time

Spain said it found that rapid coronavirus tests bought from China did not consistently identify positive cases and would return them to the manufacturer.

Spain now has over 4,000 coronavirus deaths, the second-most in the world.

The Spanish newspaper El País reported that microbiologists found that tests it bought from a Chinese company called Bioeasy could correctly identify virus cases only 30% of the time.

Health authorities have been told that the tests should not be used, and the head of Spain’s health-emergency coordination center said they would be returned, El País reported.

The Chinese Embassy in Spain said that the Bioeasy tests were not part of China’s medical donations and that the firm didn’t have a license to sell its products.

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