China’s Weakness: Imports 400 items from US allies

China’s Weakness: Imports 400 items from US allies

– More than 70% imported from the West –

– Analysis of 2022 World Trade Statistics –

We bring you a summary from the article published in The Wall Street Journal.

Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS): Mr. Victor D. Cha

We analyzed the world trade statistics for 2022.

Focus on Chinese import items:

Over 400 imported items were analyzed, ranging from Chinese luxury goods to China’s essential raw materials.

It turns out that China relied more than 70% on imports from the United States and its allies.

A new analysis of trade statistics finds out.

Weaknesses of China: More than 400 items dependent on the West,

– Import dependence on Japan is the highest at 124 items –

– China’s usual method is economic sanctions on each country –

We will deliver a summary from the article published in hisayoshi-katsumata-worldview.

中国の輸入依存、米・同盟国から400品目超 - WSJ

China’s target import items are:

norwegian salmon,

Australian wine,

Korean group tours,

Various products and industries have been targeted by China for retaliation.

Harassment to Japan:

Currently, full inspection of Japanese agricultural and fishery products constitutes harassment.

If Japan retaliates, China should understand the pain.

But Japan behaves like a gentleman.

2023年版】中国貿易の基礎知識-中国貿易相手国ランキング・中国貿易で日本企業が注意すべきポイント | 海外進出ノウハウ | Digima〜出島〜

Analysis results of imported items:

Items imported from the United States and its allies on which China depends more than 70%.

There are 412 items, and the total amount is 47 billion dollars (6.7 trillion yen) annually.

China’s cry:

For these, China has no homegrown alternatives.

中国の輸入依存、米・同盟国から400品目超 - WSJ

Solar panel manufacturing:

Silver powder is essential for solar panels.

Japan, the United States, and South Korea all export silver powder to China.

Nickel for batteries and electrical components:

Powdered and flaky nickel used in batteries and electrical components.

Australia, Canada and the United Kingdom export 86%.

中国のお酒「白酒」って知ってる?味わいや飲み方を徹底解説!! | nomooo(ノモー)

Chinese “baijiu”:

China’s baijiu is made from corn, 70% of which is from the United States.

If the sorghum is not made in the United States, the original taste of shirozake cannot be obtained.

Published in International Security

It was published in the academic journal “International Security” on August 9.

It uses data from the UN Comtrade.

China’s highly dependent items:

Combined trade with the United States and its 10 allies was calculated.

世界の工場」中国への依存度:KAMIYAMA Reports(1/2 ページ) - ITmedia ビジネスオンライン

China’s Import Dependence Ranking:

124 items from Japan,

87 items from the United States,

Germany 64 items,

28 Korean items,

There are 27 French items.

Ranking of total import value

The largest is from the United States at $11.5 billion,

Second is $10.6 billion from Australia.