US revised agricultural bill: legalizing industrial · hemp cultivation – clauses permitting large-scale cultivation

US revised agricultural bill: legalizing industrial · hemp cultivation – clauses permitting large-scale cultivation

New York

January 07, 2019

The revised agricultural bill of 2018 was established on December 20, 2018, after signing by President Trump.

2018 Revised agricultural bill: It defines agricultural policies etc. in the United States for the next five years (FY 2019 – 2023).

In the Senate, approving on December 11 approved at 87 opposite 13

Pass in the House of Representatives on the following 12th in favor of 369 against 47

A bill permitting large-scale cultivation of industrial hemp (hemp, note) is included in the bill.

This means that hemp deviates from regulated substances and is no longer an illegal drug in Federal law.

In the future, Hemp will become subject to agricultural crop insurance, and it will be possible to file a federal government subsidy for research and development.

Mitch · McConnell Senate majority faction general manager (Republican, Kentucky):

“Agricultural producers are in trouble, the approval of this time is a bright material for farmers’ future.”

(Note) The term “hemp”

(Including seeds and all derivatives, extracts, cannabinoids, isomers, acids, salts, isomers) of plants of marijuana (scientific name Cannabis sativa L.) and its plants