NGK: Coin type LiB for in-vehicle use: Operates even at high temperatures of 125°C!

世界でも例を見ない 高耐熱のリチウムイオン二次電池が登場 IoTデバイス用電源に最適な超小型セラミックス二次電池「EnerCera」シリーズ

NGK: Coin type LiB for in-vehicle use: Operates even at high temperatures of 125°C!

August 25, 2020


Introducing the small coin-type lithium-ion secondary battery for vehicles, “Enaceracoin”.

Practical application of “Ultra-high heat resistance type that operates even at a high temperature of 125 degrees C” within 2020.

Ultra high heat resistance type:

We have already developed a high heat resistance type of 105°C.

It is a product that can be used in more harsh environments, and will start mass production in September.

For automobiles, there is a growing need for compact power supplies for autonomous driving, etc., and we will meet a wide range of needs by rapidly expanding the lineup.

“Enacera Coin”:

Ena Cera coin was originally developed.

Semi-solid battery using crystal-oriented ceramic electrode plate.

Small size and high heat resistance,

Suitable for mass production,

It can be mounted by reflow soldering.

As a power source for IoT (Internet of Things) devices such as sensors for autonomous driving

The demand is increasing.

By raising the heat-resistant temperature to 125 degrees Celsius, we believe that it will be able to cover almost all automotive components.

Development status:

In December 2019, NGK develops the Enacera coin with an operating temperature of 85°C.

Furthermore, the electrode material has been improved, and a type with an operating temperature of up to 105°C has just been commercialized.

For power trains:

However, for automobiles, higher heat resistance is required than in power trains.

Demand for electronic parts that are heat resistant to 125°C is expanding.

Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun

August 24, 2020