KIC InnoEnergy SE: 10 European Startups Selected-Battery Alliance (EBA)

KIC InnoEnergy SE: 10 European Startups Selected-Battery Alliance (EBA)


April 10, 2019

European Battery Alliance (EBA)

Ino Energy (KIC InnoEnergy SE)

On April 2, it announced 10 of the most innovative startup companies in the European energy storage sector.

The best company will receive 100,000 euros.

Best company: 220 companies applied

Two companies, Battlion (Dubendorf, Switzerland) and Instagrid (Stuttgart, Germany), were selected.


Development of technology to improve the battery structure to increase the charge rate of lithium ion batteries.


We propose a portable battery for power tools used in the construction industry etc.

Selected 8 companies:

m-Bee (Munich, Germany),

Abillo (Austria-Biedermannsdorf),

WATTALPS (Grenoble, France),

Skoon Energy (Rotterdam, The Netherlands),

TWAICE (Munich, Germany),

Bolt storage (Germany),

Power Vault (UK),

Gaia Membranes (Switzerland)