COVID-19: severely ill patients, wearing cardiopulmonary bypass devices: recovery tendency to 4

COVID-19: severely ill patients, wearing cardiopulmonary bypass devices: recovery tendency to 4

COVID-19: Heart-lung machine

When we installed an artificial cardiopulmonary device in a critically ill patient who was infected with the new coronavirus and was hospitalized, we found that 4 out of 15 people were recovering.

ECMO (extracorporeal membrane oxygenator):

This device supplements the function of the lungs by taking oxygen into the blood drawn from the body with an artificial lung and returning it to the body.

It is mainly used to treat patients with respiratory failure.

Japan Society of Intensive Care Medicine:

ECMO was used in 15 patients with severe pneumonia infected with the new coronavirus by March 3.

As a result, four of them tended to recover.

ECMO in Japan: Installation status

There are 300 beds nationwide that can use ECMO for patients with the new coronavirus.

Since the use of equipment requires specialized knowledge and skills, a specialist is dispatched from the academic society.

Extracorporeal (external) membrane oxygenator (ECMO) in critically ill adults | Cochrane