Apple ordered to pull iPhones from stores in Germany

Apple ordered to pull iPhones from stores in Germany

Apple has been ordered to remove some iPhone models from its stores in Germany over a patent dispute with chip giant Qualcomm.

A court ruling in Munich on 20 December found Apple had infringed patents on power-saving technology.

On Thursday Qualcomm paid a €1.3bn (£1.2bn) bond, allowing the ban on iPhone 7 and 8 models to go ahead.

The bond will fund damages awarded to Apple if the iPhone maker wins its appeal against the injunction.

The German case is Qualcomm’s third attempt at blocking the sale of iPhones.

The California-based chip maker has made patent infringement claims against Apple in the US and China already.

BBC News

Qualcomm patent dispute forces Apple to pull iPhone 7 and 8 from its stores in Germany

In more bad news for Apple, the company’s iPhone 7 and iPhone 8 models are not currently on sale in its own retail stores in Germany.
