China: Practical use of hydrogen fuel cells: List of development plans in each city

China: Practical use of hydrogen fuel cells: List of development plans in each city


December 06, 2019

China: Practical use of hydrogen fuel cells (see table)

In China, hydrogen fuel cells are being put to practical use, and development plans have been announced (see the article on September 27, 2019)

The development plans for each region are announced as follows.

November 18: Jiading District, Shanghai

Two stations that can supply hydrogen in addition to gasoline and diesel have opened.

November 22: Zhangjiakou City, Hebei Province

In addition to 94 fuel cell buses, a total of 30 fuel cell buses have been introduced on two routes.

November 18: Nankai District, Foshan City

Bidding announcement to purchase a total of 386 fuel cell buses divided into 4 times

November 29: Foming District, Foming City

The fuel cell transportation network has started commercial operation.

By October, a total of 768 fuel cell vehicles (FCVs) were installed in the city, and six hydrogen stations were built.

November 30: Bosch in Germany

Actively enter the Chinese fuel cell market.

Established the first hydrogen fuel cell center outside of Germany in Wuxi City, Jiangsu Province.

Announced that R & D and production of power batteries and related parts will start in 2021 (Bosch China Press Release December 2)