Linear Central Shinkansen: Nagoya underground first publicly released – 2027 Shinagawa – Nagoya

Linear Central Shinkansen: Nagoya underground first publicly released – 2027 Shinagawa – Nagoya

JR Tokai:

On the 7th, the construction site of Linear Central Shinkansen Nagoya Station (Nagoya city) was made public to the press.

Constructed a home at about 30 meters underground at present Nagoya Station.

In 2027, Tokyo, Shinagawa – aim for the opening of Nagoya.

It is a work in the Tokaido Shinkansen and conventional lines are in operation, and Shinagawa station, which performs the same construction, is said to be a side-by-side difficult construction.

An excavator manufactured custom-made for Nagoya station construction worked by turning a huge drum cutter.

Sankei news