xEV Motor: Hitachi Metals Develops Tech to Improve Motor High Efficiency – Amorphous Metal

xEV Motor: Hitachi Metals Develops Tech to Improve Motor High Efficiency – Amorphous Metal

For the iron core structure of the motor, ‘amorphous metal Metglas®’ is adopted as the iron core.

Low loss core structure

Sheared amorphous metal Metglas® ‘is laminated and applied to the’ teeth part ‘of the iron core.

In addition to ‘Amorphous metal Metglas®’, material of ultra high density bonded magnet HIDENSE® is used.

Make a motor (rated 11 kW, external diameter φ 215 mm × stack thickness 80 mm).

As a result, we could confirm that we get a motor efficiency of 97.2% conforming to IE 5 which is the highest efficiency guidelines.

From now on, we will proceed with development considering application to xEV drive motors.

Hitachi Metals, Ltd.
