US Pew Research: Ranking of countries that dislike China

Is China one of the most disliked ...

US Pew Research: Ranking of countries that dislike China

– 87% of Japanese and 85% of Australians dislike China

– Large-scale survey of the world’s views of China

Summary from Taiwanese media Taiho.

How American Views Are Shifting on China - Newsweek

Taiwanese media Taiho:

On July 10, Pew Research released the results of a public opinion survey.

Pew Research survey:

Citizens of 35 countries were surveyed by phone, face-to-face, and online.

Two countries that dislike China:

Recently, countries in the Indo-Pacific region have felt that China is a threat due to territorial disputes.

1. The percentage of people who dislike China has risen sharply to 87% and 85% in Japan and Australia.

2. Sweden (82%) and the United States (81%) also exceeded 80%.

Negative images of China are also prominent in Germany (76%), the Netherlands (74%),

Poland (71%), Canada (71%), and

South Korea (71%).

Chinese President Xi Jinping meets with Thai Prime Minister Prayuth Chan-ocha on the sidelines of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit in Bangkok, Thailand, on November 19, 2022.

Thailand’s love for China:

1. Thailand has the most favorable view of China, at 80%.

2. The reason for this is that “Thailand has no territorial disputes with China.”

The same view is also relatively high in Nigeria (75%), Kenya (73%), Tunisia (68%),

Singapore (67%), and Malaysia (64%).

Changes in U.S. public opinion toward China from 2005 to 2020, according to the latest survey by the Pew Research Center.

This opinion poll:

90% of Filipinos and 80% of Australians expressed concern.

Similar concerns are also strongly held in Japan and South Korea.

Pew Research Center :a new survey of 35 countries.

ーPeople around the world feel China’s economic influenceー

Large majorities in nearly all the nations we polled

– spanning six continents and ranging in income level –

China’s economic influence is now felt more widely than it was when we last asked this question in 2019.

In 10 of the 13 countries:

a larger share say China has a great deal of impact on their country’s economy than said so five years ago.

In the middle-income countries:

people tend to view China’s economic influence as a good thing.

in the high-income countries:

people tend to see it as a bad thing.

In the 17 middle-income countries:

a median of 47% of adults say China has a positive influence on their country’s economy, while 29% say it has a negative impact.

In the 18 high-income countries:

a median of 57% of adults say China’s economic influence is negative, while 28% say it’s positive.

Americans negative views:

Americans are the most likely to have negative views of China’s economic impact.

About three-quarters say China’s influence on the U.S. economy is negative.

Others negative views:

In Argentina, Brazil, Israel, Japan, South Korea and Tunisia,

say China has a negative economic influence on their country than said so in 2019.

Overall favorability of China :

Across the middle-income countries surveyed, a median of 56% view China favorably.

These are among the key findings of a new survey of 44,166 people in 35 countries conducted from Jan. 5 to May 21, 2024.

China’s Belt and Road:

China launched its Belt and Road Initiative in 2013.

And according to a Bloomberg analysis of data from China’s Ministry of Commerce, its investments overseas are at their highest point in the last eight years.

1.Views are most positive in Thailand (81%), Kenya (80%) and Bangladesh (79%), though a majority or plurality hold this view in each of the nine surveyed countries.

2.In Ghana, Nigeria, the Philippines and South Africa,:

Around four-in-ten  do not think Chinese companies operating in their country treat local workers fairly.

A map showing that Publics in Asia-Pacific countries are concerned about territorial disputes between China and its neighbors

Territorial disputes in the Asia-Pacific region:

China is party to multiple territorial disputes in the Asia-Pacific region,

Related to the South China Sea, the East China Sea or  borders such as those between China and India.


Border tensions with China largely center on the Second Thomas Shoal of the Spratly Islands,

91% say they are concerned about territorial disputes between China and its neighbors, including 65% who are very concerned.

2.Australia, Japan, Malaysia, South Korea :

Around three-quarters or more in Australia, Japan, Malaysia and South Korea also express concern.


A bar chart showing that Attitudes toward China vary widely across regions

Across the 35 countries we surveyed:

more countries have unfavorable views of China than favorable ones.

Chinese President Xi Jinping:

People mostly lack confidence in him to do the right thing regarding world affairs.

Views tend to be among the most and least positive in the Asia-Pacific region

1. more positive in middle-income countries like Malaysia and Thailand,

2.more negative in high-income ones like Australia, Japan and South Korea.