Toyota: Quantum computer use case: Groovenauts

Toyota: Quantum computer use case: Groovenauts

-What can you do specifically? –

-Application to automated driving systems-

High speed simulation:

Quantum computer

Simulation that used to take an enormous amount of time.

This can be processed in a short time,
The R & D process will change dramatically.

Quantum computer principle:

Why is the amount of calculation overwhelmingly increased by quantum computers?

I would like to think about the mechanism.

Minimum unit of information:

Computers are commonly represented by “1” and “0”.

This number is called a “bit” and is the smallest unit of information.

Any image / video or program is just a collection of “bits”. 

3-bit computer:

For example, suppose a computer with 3 bits.

This computer

“0,0,0”, “0,0,1”, “0,1,0”, “0,1,1”, “1,0,0”, “1 ,0,1 “,”1,1,0″, ” 1,1,1 “,

8 ways can be calculated (expressed).

If one calculation takes 1 minute,
To calculate the number of all streets
It will take 8 minutes. 

“Qubit” computer:

In a quantum computer

A “qubit” that can represent “1” and “0” at the same time is used.

3 qubit computer:

If it is a computer equipped with 3 qubits

You can calculate all 8 ways at once.

Even if one calculation takes 1 minute,
Calculation time is longer than that of a normal computer
It can be reduced to 1/8. 

High-speed calculation of quantum computer:

In other words, when compared with “computers with the same number of n bits”

Only “a normal computer can calculate one answer in one calculation”.

On the other hand, “a quantum computer can calculate” 2 to the nth root “answer in one calculation”.

Toyota use case:

You can understand its strengths by looking at Toyota’s use cases.

For example, it is used to rationalize logistics.

Trucking parts:

When transporting parts by multiple trucks

The more you pack in one truck, the more
The number required is small,
Logistics costs can be reduced.

Optimal combination calculation:

If all the boxes are the same size, you can just stack them.
However, if there are many parts of different sizes and weights,
It is difficult to “find the best answer” because the number of trucks is small.
You have to do tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of calculations.

Adopt quantum computer:

Toyota uses quantum computers for these calculations.

Quantum computer Groovenauts, etc.
We are working on a project jointly with multiple venture companies.

Toyota Central R & D Labs:

We are conducting a “demonstration experiment of congestion mitigation using a quantum annealing machine”.

Traditional signal system:
Traditional signaling systems are aimed at ensuring the safety of the surrounding area and alleviating traffic congestion.

Alleviate overall congestion:
As you can see from the traffic jams in the metropolitan area,
It is not set to mitigate congestion throughout the city.

Congestion mitigation / signal system:

At Toyota

“Simulation of a signal system that alleviates traffic congestion” using a quantum computer

In the experiment, a simulation was carried out assuming a city consisting of 50 x 50 roads.

“The result is that the flow of cars is improved by 10% compared to the past”.

Autonomous driving and transportation system:

What is behind Toyota’s research into improving the efficiency of transportation systems?

Autonomous driving is conceivable.

In autonomous driving, the system, not humans, determines the route for each vehicle.

Automatic operation control with quantum computer:

When humans drive, vehicles are concentrated on the main street.

If all this can be managed by the system
By deliberately detouring some vehicles,
As a whole, you will be able to alleviate traffic congestion.

Toyota’s intention:

Toyota may be conducting “research on quantum computers with an eye on its application to autonomous driving systems.”

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