Sony: New Life Science Product: Cell Analyzer Wednesday February 9th, 2022By Tokio X'press laser, Medical science, monitor, precision COVID-19: Speaking at a distance of 50 cm: High risk even with a mask on: Monday February 7th, 2022By Tokio X'press super computer, flu, Riken, Medical science, monitor
Keio Univ: World’s First iPS Cell Transplantation for Spinal Cord Injury Treatment: Wednesday January 19th, 2022By Tokio X'press disease, IPS, Medical science Umbilical cord blood administration: Effective for improving symptoms in children with cerebral palsy: Friday January 14th, 2022By Tokio X'press hospital, disease, Medical science Kyoto University: Significant reduction in iPS treatment costs: Artificial synthetic mRNA Thursday January 13th, 2022By Tokio X'press Genetics, Cancer, IPS, Medical science Posts navigation Page 1 … Page 15 Page 16 Page 17 … Page 60