💡NICT, Niobium nitride for the first time in the world realized magnetic Josephson device 2017/11/15 Wednesday November 15th, 2017By Tokio X'press NICT, Semi conductor, 5 Science
🏹Mitsubishi Electric News Release Acquired Mitsubishi Electric Power Semiconductor Sales Business from Powerex, USA 20171108 Wednesday November 8th, 2017By Tokio X'press Semi conductor, Diode mitsubishi electric 🎗Spin Transfer Technologies and Tokyo Electron Join Forces to Bring MRAM to the Next Level 20171016 Tuesday October 17th, 2017By Tokio X'press Semi conductor, JPN tel 🏹UK chip designer Imagination bought by Chinese firm 🏹UK chip designer Imag Saturday September 23rd, 2017By Tokio X'press Semi conductor, ENG Imagination 🏹UK chip designer Imag
💡Mitsubishi Electric Develops SiC Power Device with Record Power Efficiency 💡Mitsubishi Electric D Friday September 22nd, 2017By Tokio X'press Semi conductor, JPN mitsubishielectric 💡Mitsubishi Electric D