Osaka Gas: Developed radiation cooling material: Reduced ambient temperature by 5°C

Development of cooling material utilizing radiative cooling phenomenon (film sample product)

Osaka Gas: Developed radiation cooling material: Reduced ambient temperature by 5°C

Osaka Gas:

Utilizing the principle of radiative cooling, we have developed a new material “SPACECOOL” that can lower the temperature without using energy even in direct sunlight.

Unique optical control technology:

Using our original optical control technology, we have made a “material design that makes more heat emitted from infrared radiation than heat input from sunlight.”

In the field test, we confirmed that “the world’s highest level of cooling performance, which is about 5°C lower than the outside temperature”.

We will start providing film and canvas samples using “SPACECOOL” in July.

Material patent pending:

Radiative cooling is a phenomenon in which the heat of the Earth is released into the universe in the form of electromagnetic waves (light) called “heat radiation” and cooled.

The developed material has a multilayer structure of “a reflective layer that prevents heat input from the sun and a heat dissipation layer that promotes heat radiation”.

Verified with temperature measurement:

On the premises of the Energy Technology Research Institute, we have placed an object with the same material attached outside, measured the temperature, and repeated verification.

The outdoor durability of the material is more than 4 years.

Application fields

Improve the temperature environment of membrane structures in summer,
Improve the temperature environment of containers and warehouses,
Assumed for use in heat stroke countermeasure products.
This achievement

It will be shown at “Intense heat measures exhibition” to be held at Intex Osaka from July 29.