Korean companies: not withdraw from Russia!

Korean companies: not withdraw from Russia!

-The war with Ukraine is now in its second year-

Korean companies:

Many global companies have already left Russia, including Apple, Mercedes-Benz and Renault.

Samsung Electronics,
LG Electronics,
hyundai car

However, South Korean companies have not yet withdrawn from Russia.

1 year business loss:

-Losses of Korean companies exceed 10 trillion won-

Samsung Electronics:

It has a TV and monitor manufacturing facility in Kaluga, which closed in March last year.

LG Electronics:

LG Electronics stopped manufacturing home appliances and TVs in Ruza last August.

Share of Samsung Electronics Russia:

Before the war, Samsung Electronics had the top share in the smartphone and TV market.

Sales of Samsung Electronics Russia:

4.72 trillion won in 2019,
5.33 trillion won in 2020,
It will exceed 6.27 trillion won in 2021.
Share of LG Electronics Russia:

25% in 2020;
30% in 2021,
LG Electronics’ local sales increased by 22% to exceed KRW 2 trillion.

Things are opposite now.

Samsung Electronics’ Russian smartphone market share was close to zero in the third quarter of last year,

when Xiaomi’s amounted to 33 percent. Experts point out that the Russian market is too important to leave.

“After the Russian moratorium in 1998, global companies left it and South Korean companies remained there to win over local consumers,”

one of them said, adding, “The market is very important geographically in that it leads to Eastern Europe, Central Asia, etc.”

– Businesskorea


Entreprises coréennes : ne vous retirez pas de Russie !

-La guerre avec l’Ukraine est maintenant dans sa deuxième année-

Entreprises coréennes :

De nombreuses entreprises mondiales ont déjà quitté la Russie, notamment Apple, Mercedes-Benz et Renault.

Samsung Electronics,
LG Électronique,
voiture hyundai

Cependant, les entreprises sud-coréennes ne se sont pas encore retirées de Russie.

Perte d’activité sur 1 an :

-Les pertes des entreprises coréennes dépassent 10 000 milliards de wons-

Samsung Electronics :

Elle possède une usine de fabrication de téléviseurs et de moniteurs à Kaluga, qui a fermé ses portes en mars de l’année dernière.

LG Electronics :

LG Electronics a cessé de fabriquer des appareils électroménagers et des téléviseurs à Ruza en août dernier.

Part de Samsung Electronics Russie :

Avant la guerre, Samsung Electronics détenait la plus grande part du marché des smartphones et des téléviseurs.

Ventes de Samsung Electronics Russie :

4,72 billions de wons en 2019,
5,33 billions de wons en 2020,
Il dépassera 6,27 billions de wons en 2021.
Part de LG Electronics Russie :

25 % en 2020 ;
30% en 2021,
Les ventes locales de LG Electronics ont augmenté de 22 % pour dépasser les 2 000 milliards de KRW.

Koreanische Unternehmen: Nicht aus Russland abziehen!

-Der Krieg mit der Ukraine ist jetzt im zweiten Jahr-

Koreanische Unternehmen:

Viele globale Unternehmen haben Russland bereits verlassen, darunter Apple, Mercedes-Benz und Renault.

LG Elektronik,

Allerdings haben sich südkoreanische Unternehmen noch nicht aus Russland zurückgezogen.

1 Jahr Geschäftsverlust:

-Verluste koreanischer Unternehmen übersteigen 10 Billionen Won-


Es verfügt über eine Produktionsstätte für Fernsehgeräte und Monitore in Kaluga, die im März letzten Jahres geschlossen wurde.

LG Elektronik:

LG Electronics stellte im vergangenen August die Produktion von Haushaltsgeräten und Fernsehern in Ruza ein.

Anteil von Samsung Electronics Russland:

Vor dem Krieg hatte Samsung Electronics den größten Anteil am Smartphone- und TV-Markt.

Verkäufe von Samsung Electronics Russland:

4,72 Billionen Won im Jahr 2019,
5,33 Billionen Won im Jahr 2020,
Im Jahr 2021 wird es 6,27 Billionen Won überschreiten.
Anteil von LG Electronics Russland:

25 % im Jahr 2020;
30 % im Jahr 2021,
Der lokale Umsatz von LG Electronics stieg um 22 % auf über 2 Billionen KRW.

60% of Japanese firms in Russia have suspended operations


As Moscow’s invasion of Ukraine drags on,

more than 60 percent of Japanese firms in Russia have either suspended their operations or withdrawn from the country completely.

That is the finding from the responses of 99 companies to a survey conducted last month by the Japan External Trade Organization.

Four percent said
they had either already withdrawn from Russia or decided to leave.

Another 17.2 percent said
they had completely suspended operations,

while 43.4 percent said
they had partially suspended business activity.

Only 35.4 percent said it was business as usual.

There was an 11-point increase in firms that had fully or partially suspended operations compared to a similar survey conducted last August.

Looking ahead,
10 percent of companies said
they expect to pull out of Russia over the next six to 12 months, while 37 percent expected to continue operating.

A JETRO official said
more firms will have to decide whether to withdraw from Russia, but some are concerned they will lose market share to countries such as China if they leave.


Sony, Uniqlo Join Global Brands Disappearing From Russia
