KDDI:ドローン訓練校を開設! Ouverture d’une école de formation drone ! Eröffnung einer Drohnen-Trainingsschule! Opening a drone training school! 開設無人機培訓學校!

Ouverture d’une école de formation drone !
Eröffnung einer Drohnen-Trainingsschule!
Opening a drone training school!

ーJapan eases limits on drone flights in populated areasー







KDDI は、ドローンを使用に関する地上基地局を運営しています。



The transport ministry says
there are already about 1,400 schools around the country which train drone operators.

But the graduates have received
only private-sector licenses and have been restricted to where they can fly.

As part of the government certification program,

students will be required to pass practical and academic tests in order to get a license.


Japan eases limits on drone flights in populated areas


Japan has moved to relax restrictions on drone flights.

Owners are now allowed
to operate drones beyond their line of sight in populated areas if they meet certain requirements.

The revised civil aeronautics law came into effect on Monday.

It allows drones to carry out so-called level four flights, the least restricted category in Japan.

Level three
only allowed drones to fly beyond the operator’s line of sight in unpopulated areas.

The change is expected to help people who are unable to go shopping.

It could also help ease the shortage of drivers in the logistics field.

Manufacturers have been developing safer drones that qualify for level four flights.

The president of Tokyo-based drone maker, ACSL,

says the law’s revision marks the first step toward a massive expansion of drone use.

Washiya Satoshi said “In order to continue to fly at higher risk levels, as a manufacturer, we need to ensure safety just like that for aircraft.

It’s also important to develop functions that improve convenience.”

Drones intended for level four flights must pass safety checks and the operators will have to take practical and academic tests.

No tests have been conducted yet and the government expects that it will be the end of March at the earliest before level four flights begin.

KDDI : Ouverture d’une école de formation drone !

ーLe Japon assouplit les limites sur les vols de drones dans les zones peupléesー

La loi modifiant la loi sur les drones entre en vigueur :

Le Japon a assoupli les restrictions sur le vol de drones dans les zones résidentielles.

Lundi, la loi révisée est entrée en vigueur.


janvier 2023,

Ouvrir une école de formation au pilotage de drones pour les pilotes de drones.

KDDI exploite des stations de base terrestres pour l’utilisation de drones.

Responsables de l’entreprise :

A l’école de formation, les pilotes reçoivent “la formation nécessaire à la certification de vol”.

KDDI: Eröffnung einer Drohnen-Trainingsschule!

ーJapan lockert Beschränkungen für Drohnenflüge in besiedelten Gebietenー

Drohnen-Änderungsgesetz tritt in Kraft:

Japan hat die Beschränkungen für das Fliegen von Drohnen in Wohngebieten gelockert.

Am Montag trat das revidierte Gesetz in Kraft.


Januar 2023,

Eröffnen Sie eine Drohnenflug-Trainingsschule für Drohnenpiloten.

KDDI betreibt terrestrische Basisstationen für den Einsatz von Drohnen.


In der Ausbildungsschule erhalten Piloten „die notwendige Ausbildung für die Flugzulassung“.