Former Japanese Army Lieutenant General: Helping Jewish Refugees in Manchuria

Former Japanese Army Lieutenant General: Helping Jewish Refugees in Manchuria

– Kiichiro Higuchi Saves 20,000 Jewish Refugees –

-A bronze statue will be erected at Izanagi Shrine in October 2022-

We will deliver a summary from the article published on Nippon dot com.

The image is the Harbin Jiho,the original Russian text (provided by Ryuichi Higuchi)

Former Japanese Army Lieutenant General Kiichiro Higuchi:

Many “Jews who were persecuted by Nazi Germany”

fled to former Manchuria (northeast China).

Kiichiro Higuchi:

supported the “relief of 20,000 Jewish refugees.”

From the testimony of Jewish descendants,

“the existence of Higuchi survival” became clear.

A Jew who fled the Higuchi Route:

Mr. Daniel Friedman (right) Son of a Jewish Refugee:

Daniel Friedman On June 15, 2018,  met with Japanese people in Tel Aviv, Israel.

He conveyed his gratitude to Mr. Kiichiro Higuchi for his humanitarianism.

Jewish refugees fled from Vienna via Manchuria.

After the war,he emigrated to Israel.

Kiichiro Higuchi’s grandson:

Grandson of Kiichiro Higuchi, former Lieutenant General of the Japanese Army.

Meiji Gakuin University Professor Emeritus Ryuichi Higuchi shook hands.

Just before World War II:

Another “Oriental Schindler” Lieutenant General of the Japanese Army (1888-1970).

In former Manchuria,

he saved Jewish refugees from persecution by Nazi Germany.

Kiichiro Higuchi’s award activities are now in full swing in Japan.

A bronze statue of Kiichiro Higuchi:

Unveiling ceremony at Izanagi Shrine on Awaji Island.

Awaji Island, Hyogo Prefecture, where Lieutenant General Higuchi was born.

In October 2022, a bronze statue was erected at Izanagi Shrine.

Engakuji Temple in Kamakura City:

Ryotake Yoshino, the former mayor of Hiratsuka City,

also erected a memorial monument at the sub-temple Ryuinan.

The unveiling ceremony was held on May 21, 2023.

SWV旅】樋口季一郎記念館 偉大なる人道主義者・陸軍中将・樋口季一郎の生涯を知る サンケイ・ワールド・ビュー 井上和彦 - YouTube

Achievements of Kiichiro Higuchi:

As commander of the 5th Army,

he accepted the Potsdam Declaration.

Furthermore, it prevented the occupation of Hokkaido

by the Soviet Union and the division of Japan.

In Hokkaido, plans to build a bronze statue are also underway.

The achievements of Lieutenant General Higuchi,

who stuck to his convictions and saved the Jews, are being watched with great interest.


Golden Book of Israel:

President of the Far East Jewish Association:

Doctor Teddy Kaufman Mr. Teddy

said that Higuchi was the Jewish people’s greatest sympathizer and friend.

“Higuchi’s attitude towards the Jewish community” made the Jewish rescue possible.



The Golden Book mainly lists

the names of Jews who have made great contributions to human history.

Moses (Moses of the Ten Commandments),

Mendelssohn (composer)

Einstein (physicist), etc.

It bears the name of a famous Jewish person that everyone knows.

But among them, not Jewish, The name of “GENERAL HIGUCHI TOKYO” is engraved.

Nazi annexation of Austria:

A German-Austrian Jew driven out

by the Nazi annexation after October 1938.

Carrying a passport with the letter “J”,

they reached the former Manchuria one after another via the Trans-Siberian Railway.


“Higuchi Route”:

The “Higuchi route” was established at the center of Japanese policy making.

The Harbin Secret Service was made

to monitor the movements of the influx of Jewish refugees.

At that time, Manchukuo was systematically trying to limit the influx.

Lieutenant General Higuchi made it possible

for Jews to pass through Manchukuo and stay for a short period of time.

“Do not discriminate against Jews”

As the number of Jewish refugees increased,

Japan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs opposed the influx of Jews into Manchuria.

However, Lieutenant General Higuchi

did not pander to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

and contributed to the formulation of the “Outline of Measures against Jews” as a national policy.

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Escape Jewish Refugees to Shanghai:

He clearly distanced himself from the Nazi policy of persecution of Jews.

It systematically secured the possibility of Jewish transit and immigration.

Established a settlement system

by allowing Jewish refugees to escape to Shanghai via Manchuria.

Realizing “Higuchi Survival”:

Descendants of Jews who survived via Manchuria.

He was able to survive thanks to the kindness of Lieutenant General Higuchi.

This is the “Higuchi Survival” who survived on the “Higuchi Route”.

Stuck Jew:

Otpol (now Zabaikalsk) on the Soviet-Manchurian border,

March 1938 Saved the stranded Jewish refugees.

He gave precise instructions to the front line and saved many lives.