COVID-19: US Democratic Party, ‘Heroes Fund’: US healthcare worker / up to 2.7 million yen per year
Senate Democrats: new proposal
The Senate Democrat proposes a new payment of $ 25,000 / pandemic for nurses / grocers.
Senator COVID-19: The Heroes Fund is a coronavirus-related bill / fourth.
COVID-19: “Heroes Fund”
This fund
Healthcare professionals
Home care workers,
Rescue workers,
Offers a “$ 15,000 recruitment incentive” to “attract and secure” the workforce to fight the virus.
Business Insider Japan
Essential workers would get $25,000 raise in new Senate Democrats plan
Essential frontline workers including
nurses and grocery-store employees could get a $25,000 raise if a new plan from Senate Democrats becomes law.
The plan calls for the creation of a COVID-19 “Heroes Fund”
to “reward, retain, and recruit essential workers,” Senate Democrats said in a statement on Tuesday.
The fund would provide a $25,000 “pandemic premium pay increase for essential frontline workers” until the end of 2020.
Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer
said doctors, nurses, grocery-store workers, and transit workers are among those who could benefit, though the plan leaves room to include more.
Business Insider