COVID-19: Two Plagues from China: “Pest” in the 14th Century

COVID-19: Two Plagues from China: “Pest” in the 14th Century


The new coronavirus that spread from China is similar to the “pest” that struck Europe in the 14th century.

The cost at that time was also said to have spread from China.

This plague is:

Across Mongolia, through Turkey and Greece
Landed on Sicily in southern Italy in 1347,
After traveling north of Italy,
Spain, UK to Ireland
It is said to have hit nature throughout Europe and ended naturally.

Due to this plague:

It is estimated that one-third of Europe’s population and 30 million people died at that time.

Boccacio: “Decameron”

Bocaccio (1313-75), one of the founders of classic Italian novels

He wrote a story in Decameron telling a story by three upper-class men and seven women from Florence, who fled from Plague to a rural villa.

Remedies and vaccinations: vaccines

On the other hand, vaccines for remedy and vaccination have not been completed.

In the unlikely case of the 14th century plague, if it is necessary to wait for natural cessation, the number of infected people will continue to increase in the future.

(Sankei Shimbun)