🔬RIKEN: Elucidation of the relation between genome integration of hepatitis B virus and canceration

🔬RIKEN: Elucidation of the relation between genome integration of hepatitis B virus and canceration

– Expectations for the development of new preventive and therapeutic drugs for hepatitis B and liver cancer –

Collaborative research group of RIKEN RIKEN Center for Biomedical Sciences · Cancer Genome Research Team and Hiroshima University Graduate School of Medicine, Dentistry and Health Sciences collaborate to analyze the genome analysis of hepatitis B virus (HBV) infected with the liver , And elucidated the mechanism of incorporation of HBV into the human genome and a part of the carcinogenesis mechanism by virus.

The results of this research will be expected to contribute to the development of new therapeutic drugs and preventive methods for new liver cancer caused by hepatitis B and the development of new virus therapeutic drugs.

This research was published on the online version (dated May 18) prior to publication in the science magazine “Oncotarget” in the United States.


— Translated by TokioX’press —
