💡Symmetry is synonymous with power network synchronization | Tokyo Tech news

💡Symmetry is synonymous with power network synchronization | Tokyo Tech news

In this research theoretically proved that the network symmetry in the graph theory (graph autogeneity) [Terminology 5] characterizes the synchronization of generators.

Furthermore, based on the analysis of this grid, we have developed a method for constructing an aggregate model of a power network that follows physical laws such as Ohm’s law and Kirchhoff’s law [Terminology 6].

The result of this research is to respond to the future electric power system which is expected to be further complicated by massive introduction of renewable energy into the power transmission network and to develop the analysis and control method for stable supply of electric power.

This research result was published on April 26, 2018 (Japan time) on the online bulletin of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers’ Proceedings of the IEEE.

Tokyo Institute of Technology – Translated by TokioX
