Central bank assets: BOJ’s assets balance is 553 trillion yen – more than Japan’s GDP

Central bank assets: BOJ’s assets balance is 553 trillion yen – more than Japan’s GDP

With large-scale monetary easing, the Bank of Japan’s assets amounted to 553 trillion yen.

BOJ’s assets exceeded the amount of GDP (economic scale of the country).

Because they are purchasing large amounts of government bonds and others.

As of October 10, the Bank of Japan’s assets is 553 trillion 592 billion yen.

It surpassed the most recent nominal GDP · 552.8 trillion yen.

Expansion of assets is due to the BOJ buying government bonds and ETF = listed investment trusts in large quantities.

Of the assets, JGBs account for more than 80%, or 469 trillion yen or more.

The ratio of central bank assets to GDP is 20% in the US and 40% in Europe.

Japan is prominently rising to nearly 100%.

NHK News
