Sweden (FOI): China’s large inward investment report: Säpo, expressed concern

Sweden (FOI): China’s large inward investment report: Säpo, expressed concern


December 11, 2019

Sweden: National Defense Institute (FOI)

On November 28, we announced a report on a large-scale acquisition of a Swedish company by a Chinese company between 2002 and 2019.

Investment projects: Top 9 companies (see table)

During this period, there were 65 large-scale acquisitions by Chinese companies.

The total investment of the top nine companies with clear acquisitions is approximately Skr 94.5 billion (approximately 1,077.3 billion yen, 1 Skr = approximately 11.4 yen)

According to SvD, the total amount of 65 cases is about Skr 100 billion.

Of these, 13 were the most invested in 2017.

Acquisitions by field (see figure)

Looking at acquisitions by field,

The first place is industrial products / machines, health / biotechnology,
Third place is Information and Communication Technology (ICT),
4th place is electronics and automotive industry,
Investment from China is concentrated in these five areas.

Swedish National Safety Police (Säpo): expressed concern

The Swedish National Security Police (Säpo) expressed concern about the acquisition by Chinese companies for the use of technology for military purposes (SvD, February 12, 2018)

The report introduces the current situation that many Swedish companies are affiliated with Chinese capital, and there is a growing concern about this.

