Dutch inventor unveils device to purge rivers of plastic

Dutch inventor unveils device to purge rivers of plastic

A young Dutch inventor

is widening his effort to purge the Pacific Ocean of plastic by turning his focus to rivers, using a solar-powered boat to catch rubbish before it reaches the seas.

Twenty-five-year-old university dropout

Boyan Slat founded The Ocean Cleanup to develop a system that catches plastic waste floating in the ocean.

The next stage is the Interceptor, a vessel which trawls rivers doing the same.

Slat’s organisation

has drawn criticism previously for focusing only on plastic trash already floating in the world’s oceans.


say 9 million tonnes of plastic – including bottles, bags and toys – flows into the ocean every year from beaches and rivers, endangering marine life.

Three Interceptors

have already been deployed to Indonesia, Malaysia and Vietnam, and a fourth is heading to the Dominican Republic, says Slat.

