NYT: Trump has written 2,026 tweets praising himself while in office

NYT: Trump has written 2,026 tweets praising himself while in office

The New York Times

analyzed President Donald Trump’s more than 11,000 tweets since entering office.


found that he used Twitter mainly to attack someone or something, with 5,889 tweets meeting this description.

More than 2,000 of his tweets were in praise of his own work.

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The New York Times published a lengthy analysis of President Donald Trump’s tweets since taking office, and found several patterns of behavior.

On July 11, 2019, for example, he called himself “so great looking and smart, a true Stable Genius!”

Threatening to “obliterate” Turkey’s economy on October 7, 2019, he touted his “great and unmatched wisdom.”

On July 3, 2018, Trump bragged: “If not for me, we would now be at War with North Korea!”

The analysis also shows that Trump’s Twitter use has dramatically escalated in recent weeks, as the Democrats undertake the inquiry into his impeachment.

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