Warren Buffett’s:保有株上位13銘柄一覧:Berkshire現預金残1,280億ドル(動画):  Here are Warren Buffett’s top 13 favorite stocks:  以下是沃伦·巴菲特(Warren Buffett)最喜欢的13只股票

Holdings, Investment

McDonald’s:Ford、コーヒー豆殻再利用:headlamp housings for products McDonald’s to give waste coffee husks to Ford to make into car parts 麦当劳将废咖啡皮交给福特制造成汽车零件

consumer, contamination, ESG, AUTO

Elon Musk:’日本GPIFの貸株停止’を称賛:Tesla空売り建玉残95億ドル(動画):  Short selling should be illegal’:Elon Musk praised a crackdown on shorts by GPIF:  卖空应该是非法的” –伊隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)称赞了全球最大的养老基金对空头的打击

Fund, SWF, Investment

GPIF:株式レンディングの停止について:経営委員会で複数回議論(動画):  GPIF:Suspension of stock lending:multiple discussions at the Management Committee:  GPIF:股票借贷的暂停:管理委员会的多次讨论

Fund, SWF, Investment

ハイアット:プラ製バス用品を廃止:leaning into sustainability(動画):  Hyatt is removing plastic bathroom items from its hotels:  凯悦(Hyatt)正在从其酒店中移除塑料浴室用品

pollution, manner, ESG, 6 Society

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