日本:夷の長技を師とし、以て夷を制す:「海国図志」の教え Japan:Learn the strong points、use them to defeat:Teaching of Hǎiguótúzhì: 日本:掌握iteki的长期技能并控制iteki:“海上插图集”的教学

manner, education, history, Business Ethics, Research

中国:国の発展は農村を見ればわかる:日中の農村比較(動画):  China: the country can be seen by looking at rural areas: Japan・China: 中国:从农村地区可以看出国家的发展:中日农村地区的比较

manner, history, Health & Safety, Access to Health Care, 6 Society, Regulation

住友林業:推定樹齢400年の盆栽梅:組織培養で増殖(動画):  Sumitomo Forestry: 400-year-old bonsai plum: Proliferated by culture:  住友林业:估计有400年历史的盆景梅:通过组织培养繁殖

assistance, manner, history, ESG, Donation, 6 Society

社会運動:京都で「ブラック・ライブズ・マター」デモ:8分46秒間の黙とう(動画):  Social movement: “Black Lives Matter” demonstration in Kyoto: Silence for 8 minutes 46 seconds:  社交运动:在京都举行的“ Black Lives Matter”表演:沉默8分46秒

assistance, event, murder, manner, history, 6 Society, litigation

ユダヤ系難民:もう一つの「命のビザ」米で発見:ユダヤ人救済,根井三郎:  Jewish Refugees: Another “Visa of Life” Discovered in US: Jewish Relief, Saburo Nei:  犹太难民:美国发现的另一种“生命签证”:犹太救济,Saburo Nei

assistance, minorities, manner, history, 6 Society, Regulation

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