中国:清国時代と変わらず:ランド研究所(動画):  China: Same as in the Qing dynasty: RAND Corporation:  中国:与清朝相同:兰德公司

copyright, Research, University, Patent, Defense

ナイキ:ネイマール選手の契約解除:性的暴行疑惑(動画):  Nike: Neymar’s contract cancellation: Suspicion of sexual assault:  耐克:内马尔解约:涉嫌性侵

Sports, copyright, litigation, Brand

韓国:仏GTT社に課徴金を賦課:技術ライセンス供与で(動画):  S.Korea: Imposing a surcharge on French GTT: By granting a license: 韩国:对法国GTT附加费:通过授予技术许可

license, copyright, manner, LNG, 6 Society

任天堂:米UberChipsと和解:無許可OS販売を提訴(動画):  Nintendo: Settled with Uber Chips: Sued unauthorized OS sales:  任天堂:与UberChips达成和解:起诉未经授权的操作系统销售

license, copyright, 6 Society, litigation

円谷プロ:広州藍弧文化伝播に勝訴:無許可ウルトラマンの裁判(動画):  Tsuburaya Pro: Wins against Guangzhou Blue Arc: Trial over “Ultraman”:  Tsuburaya Pro:击败广州蓝弧:审判“未经授权的超人”

copyright, Guilty, 6 Society, Statistics, Patent, Regulation, litigation

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