COVID-19:加D-Wave、量子コンピューターを無償提供:新型肺炎研究者向け:  D-Wave gives anyone working on responses to the COVID-19 free cloud access to its quantum computers:  D-Wave使任何致力于响应COVID-19免费云访问的量子计算机的人

super computer, quantum computing, 4 IT

COVID-19:「感染症対策ソリューション」開発:赤外線サーモグラフィ、顔認証 AI(動画):   COVID-19:”Infectious Disease Control Solution”:Infrared thermograph,face recognition AI:  COVID-19:“传染病控制解决方案”的开发:红外热像仪,面部识别

security, Statistics, recognition, Scanner, IT

三菱電機:センサー向け’BLEnDer ICE’:電池駆動型/スマートメーター:  Mitsubishi Electric: ‘BLEnDer ICE’ for sensors: Battery-operated / smart meter:  三菱电机:传感器的“ BLEnDer ICE”:电池供电/智能电表

iot, 4 IT, Sensor

TRI-AD:高精度、50cm以下の地図作成:高解像の衛星画像:  TRI-AD:High accuracy、less than 50cm map creation:High resolution satellite image:  TRI-AD:高精度,小于50厘米的地图创建:高分辨率卫星图像

3D map, 4 IT

TRI-AD:高精度地図の自動作成実証:CARMERA Inc.と連携:  TRI-AD: Automatic creation of high-precision maps: Collaboration with CARMERA Inc.:  使用基于美国的Carmera平台的相机捕获的图像数据为基础的目标检测图像

3D map, 4 IT

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