South Korea: Increasing “Hell Joseon”: The highest suicide rate in the world

South Korea: Increasing “Hell Joseon”: The highest suicide rate in the world

Suicide in South Korea:

South Korea’s suicide rate was the worst among 37 OECD countries.

According to the latest data for 2019, the suicide rate in South Korea (per 100,000 population) is 24.6.

The dire situation that “an average of 38 people die each day”.

Japan has 14.9 people,
14.5 people in the United States,

Reasons for the high suicide rate in South Korea:

The high suicide rate in South Korea can be said to be a microcosm of Korean society.

In every sense, it’s because it’s closed by a feeling of obstruction.

This feeling of obstruction is caused by “Nero Nambul”.

This is a result of the loss of fairness in Korean society.

Korean university enrollment rate:

The rate of enrollment at junior colleges and above in South Korea is 96.8% (2019), the fifth highest in the world.

By the way, Japan ranks 46th in the world with 63.58%.

-This high rate of advancement seen in Korea-

It shows that “we have survived the fierce competition for entrance exams from infants.”

Most children do not end up with compulsory education
Despite going to college

“They haven’t been able to select a profession suitable for graduating from university.”

South Korea is at its worst.

“Job hunting ronin in Korea” is commonplace:

In Korea, after graduating from university, it is natural to “be a job hunter for a year or two.”

It shows that “this is a big mistake in the economic structure.”

Far from being resolved even under the Moon administration, it is getting worse.

Prove “political incompetence”:

The Moon administration

At the request of the union, which is one of the support bases,
Raise the minimum wage (18 to 20 years) by 30%,

This is the result of increasing the unemployment rate.

The word “Hell Joseon”:

Nothing is more self-deprecating than the word Hell Joseon.

Behind the trend of this word is
Employment insecurity due to South Korea’s super-competitive society

There is an unfair hiring situation on the company side, which is called unrelated hiring.

Due to employment insecurity:

Employment insecurity was brought about by “a significant increase in the minimum wage and an increase in unemployment.”

World view of Toshiyoshi Katsumata