NEC:Providing Automatic Fingerprint Authentication (AFIS) to India-Biometric”Bio-IDiom”

NEC:Providing Automatic Fingerprint Authentication (AFIS) to India-Biometric”Bio-IDiom”

(June 18, 2019)

NEC: India Subsidiary

NEC Technologies India Private Limited (Head office: New Delhi, India)

We received an order for Automatic Fingerprint Identification System (AFIS) from India Advanced Computing Development Center (C-DAC, Note 1).

Provides to Kerala State Police in India.

The fingerprint authentication system provided this time is the core technology of NEC’s biometric “Bio-IDiom” (Note 2).

We use fingerprint authentication technology that boasts the world’s No. 1 (Note 3) authentication accuracy.

NEC has been ranked No. 1 in the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) fingerprint authentication technology benchmark test.