Kitami Tech: Is there permafrost in Shiretoko, Hokkaido?: Global warming

Kitami Tech: Is there permafrost in Shiretoko, Hokkaido?: Global warming

-Near the two peaks, the existence conditions are met-

Kitami Institute of Technology
Research team

A research team at Kitami Institute of Technology has compiled the results of a survey of permafrost.

There is a high possibility that permafrost exists in the World Natural Heritage Site of the Shiretoko Mountain Range.

Shiretoko Ioyama (1562 meters in Shari Town) and
Mt. Sashirui (1564 meters in Rausu Town)
It turned out to meet the standard near the summit.

Shiretoko mountain range
World Natural Heritage Registered Area

The permafrost of the Shiretoko mountain range is melting worldwide due to global warming.

Kitami Institute of Technology Long-term Survey:

August 2019,
27 ground surface thermometers,
Two thermometers are installed locally.
It was collected in August 2020 and analyzed observation data such as environmental changes and underground temperature of the Shiretoko mountain range.


Soil where the underground temperature is below 0 degrees throughout the year.

It occupies more than 20% of the land in the Northern Hemisphere.

Russia, Canada, Japan:

It is often found in high latitude areas such as Russia and Canada.

In Japan, it exists in Mt. Daisetsu and Mt. Fuji.

Hokkaido Shimbun