Japan gourmet: Live distribution with’Popular reviews’: Promotion of Japanese ingredients

Live distribution on the “Popular Review” website (Photo by JETRO)

Scenery of live distribution (JETRO shooting)

Japan gourmet: Live distribution with’Popular reviews’: Promotion of Japanese ingredients

Japan gourmet:


August 24, 2020


Chinese Restaurant Information Site “Popular Review”

We are using the influencer for live distribution.

Publicity activities such as coupon distribution are also underway.

“Popular Ratings” website:

Introducing restaurants certified as Japanese food ingredients and supporter shops.

As of August 2020, 215 stores have been certified in Shanghai.

Hold PR events that utilize influencers.

August 17 kickoff event

Chinese chef
Such as Red snapper and saury,
Using Japanese seasoning
Live distribution of cooking.
The total number of viewers on the day reached 25,000.

Participating supporter stores:

From supporter stores that participated in this public relations activity

“We can expect an increase in sales”
“want to use the questionnaire in the future menu”
“want to become a new supporter store”
Inquiries were also sent.

(Note) You can check how to apply on the JETRO website.



Certification system for Japanese food supporter stores overseas

Agriculture, forestry and marine products/food export support portal-JETRO
