Japan: A masterpiece! The snow wall is 18 meters! :

Japan: A masterpiece! The snow wall is 18 meters! :

-Tateyama Kurobe Alpine Route opens all lines-

Tateyama Kurobe Alpine Route:

“Tateyama Kurobe Alpine Route” connecting Nagano and Toyama prefectures

It opened on all lines from the 15th.

Attention Tateyama’s snow wall, this year’s height is approaching the highest ever!

The highest point “Murodo”:

“Murodo” at the highest point, 2450 meters above sea level

A powerful snow wall welcomed people.
Up to 18 meters!
If it is a building, it is the height of the 6th floor.
It has become “the highest in the last five years and close to the highest ever”.

SBC News | SBC Shinetsu Broadcasting


Japon : Un chef-d’œuvre ! Le mur de neige fait 18 mètres ! :

-Tateyama Kurobe Alpine Route ouvre toutes les lignes-

Route alpine de Tateyama Kurobe :

“Tateyama Kurobe Alpine Route” reliant les préfectures de Nagano et de Toyama

Il a ouvert sur toutes les lignes à partir du 15.

Attention au mur de neige de Tateyama, la hauteur de cette année approche du plus haut jamais atteint !

Le point culminant “Murodo”:

“Murodo” au point culminant, à 2450 mètres d’altitude

Un puissant mur de neige accueillait les gens.
Jusqu’à 18 mètres !
S’il s’agit d’un immeuble, c’est la hauteur du 6ème étage.
Il est devenu “le plus élevé des cinq dernières années et proche du plus élevé jamais enregistré”.

Actualités SBC | Diffusion SBC Shinetsu

Japan: Ein Meisterwerk! Die Schneewand ist 18 Meter hoch! :

-Tateyama Kurobe Alpine Route öffnet alle Linien-

Tateyama Kurobe Alpenroute:

“Tateyama Kurobe Alpine Route”, die die Präfekturen Nagano und Toyama verbindet

Es öffnete auf allen Linien vom 15.

Achtung, Tateyamas Schneewand, die diesjährige Höhe nähert sich der höchsten aller Zeiten!

Der höchste Punkt “Murodo”:

“Murodo” am höchsten Punkt, 2450 Meter über dem Meeresspiegel

Eine mächtige Schneewand hieß die Menschen willkommen.
Bis zu 18 Meter!
Wenn es sich um ein Gebäude handelt, ist es die Höhe des 6. Stockwerks.
Sie sei „die höchste in den letzten fünf Jahren und nahe an der höchsten aller Zeiten“ geworden.

SBC Nachrichten | SBC Shinetsu-Rundfunk

Tourist season opens in Tateyama Kurobe Alpine Route

A scenic mountain route

running through the Northern Alps in central Japan has reopened for tourists following a winter break.

The Tateyama Kurobe Alpine Route

fully opened on Friday for the first time in about four-and-half months.

Piles of snow were removed from the route.

The route,
which stretches for more than 37 kilometers, links Tateyama Town in Toyama Prefecture and Omachi Town in Nagano Prefecture.

It contains roads, a ropeway system and cable car systems.

Tourists got off buses
at the route’s Murodo Station at 2,450 meters above sea level on Friday morning.

They looked at the “Yuki no Otani,”
a popular sightseeing spot along the route. It consists of huge walls of snow made up of accumulated snowfall,

and is 18 meters at its highest point this year — the highest in the past five years.

